Friday, February 8, 2008

Harvest Has Begun

Each of the eight evangelists here have been having great success in working around the area. Decisions have ranged from 50 to 500 at each festival. The crowds have been ranging from 1000 to 5000 people. I am so proud of all the teams. God is blessing and there is great unity and love. Pray for all of us tonight as we all go out and do our part in reaching this area for Christ.

I am feeling great being used of God to make a difference on this mission. Thank you for praying for me and each of the missions. The weather is windy but no rain. Pray for our major Festival next week. There are many major decisions that have to be made to make this Festival have a major impact and we are asking God to give us wisdom. Pray for me in the morning as I, along with others will be sharing our heart with the executive committee.

So - pray for decisions at each outreach - pray for unity on the teams - compassion and love for the nationals and USA workers - wisdom and blessings.

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